The Polydroxol were a species of intelligent, denantium-composed shapeshifters originating from the planet called Sevetta. When in liquid form, they appeared as masses of [mercury] weighing two hundred kilograms. While Polydroxol typically possessed the ability to imitate other species and their languages, they were unable to replicate skin texture; their natural habitat consisted of the poisonous volcanic pools of their homeworld. Their unique evolutionary path led to a sophisticated circulatory system that distributed electroglobins throughout their bodies, enabling them to survive independently of oxygen. Notably, these beings frequently traveled in pairs. Because of their metallic composition, minor injuries, such as limb loss or slugthrower wounds, could heal almost instantly. However, despite their capacity to repair wounds and regenerate limbs, the replenishment of electroglobins was not immediate, requiring a prolonged recovery period. Consequently, a Polydroxol could potentially die from electroglobin depletion while remaining physically whole.