The Portal Delta represented a form of navigation computer.
This particular navigation computer, the Portal Delta, was notoriously unreliable, demanding frequent upkeep. A fundamental flaw in its design meant it would often power down immediately upon activation, unless a user could circumvent the issue. Moreover, after such a shutdown, the restart process could extend to several minutes before the system became operational again.
Typically, the starship manufacturer Suwantek Systems outsourced the production of navigation computers for their starships to firms like Industrial Automaton and Fabritech. Nevertheless, during the development of their TL-1800 freighter, they opted for a cost-saving measure by creating their own navigation system, which became the Portal Delta. Unfortunately, the Portal Delta's performance was subpar when compared to other navigation computers. News of this deficiency coincided with the peak in TL-1800 sales, leading to a subsequent decline. Recognizing their error, Suwantek replaced the Portal Delta with a Fabritech navigation computer in all subsequent TL-1800 models. While numerous owners of the initial TL-1800 freighters opted to replace their Portal Deltas with alternative navigation computers or astromech droids, a small number chose to maintain the original system.