
The Poss'Nomin were a sentient species that originated from the planet known as Illarreen. These stocky humanoids, slightly taller than the average Human, were easily identifiable due to their prominent, shovel-shaped mandibles and their unique feature of possessing three eyes.

Biology and appearance

Poss'Nomin possessed dense bones, giving them a heavier build compared to other humanoids of similar stature, although their muscularity was not proportionally greater. Their sizable jaws contained a mix of both flat and pointed teeth, an evolutionary adaptation suited for an omnivorous diet. Their skin was predominantly [red](/article/color-legends] in color, although some subgroups exhibited brown or black markings on their forearms. Their broad faces were accentuated by sharp cheekbones adorned with cartilaginous knobs, along with their three distinctive large eyes.

The three eyes of the Poss'Nomin were spaced widely across their faces in a horizontal arrangement, affording them an expansive field of vision. Each eye was equipped with two fleshy eyelids, the outer of which was primarily utilized during periods of sleep. Their eyes were generally orange in hue, with irises that varied in color from shades of yellow to deep blue.

Culture and History

A Poss'Nomin

The Poss'Nomin initially emerged on the eastern coast of the island continent called Vhin, situated in Illarreen's northern hemisphere. While this area was initially a favorable habitat, significant climate shifts occurring over several centuries (possibly triggered by solar eruptions from their sun) rendered it uninhabitable. This event prompted the advancement of shipbuilding technologies, enabling the Poss'Nomin to explore and colonize more accommodating regions of Vhin and the remainder of Illarreen. From those years of migration onward, an inherent drive for exploration became ingrained within the Poss'Nomin's collective consciousness.

Over millennia following their extensive explorations, Poss'Nomin civilization had expanded and divided into multiple powerful nations, each upholding its own distinct political philosophies and ambitions. These divergences culminated in a period of widespread global conflict, which only ceased upon the arrival of a group of spice merchants who stumbled upon their homeworld around 100 BBY. Within a decade of this initial contact, the Poss'Nomin nations resolved their differences, establishing a unified government and combining their resources to integrate into the broader galactic society.

The unified government established by the Poss'Nomin was a decentralized federation, with the majority of authority remaining vested in regional administrations. Officials within these regional governments were selected through popular elections conducted every three standard years, with all adult Poss'Nomin granted the right to vote. Most Poss'Nomin cast their votes for leaders who they believed would best serve their people's interests within the galactic community.

By the time the Galactic Civil War had begun, one-third of the population had access to technology that met galactic standards. Many Poss'Nomin departed from their homeworld, often finding employment as scouts or in other space-faring professions, such as the explorer Kiv'arwa, who was employed by Rim Commercial Mining. Some of these Poss'Nomin ventured far into Wild Space or even beyond. A less respectable figure who inherited this Poss'Nomin tradition of exploration was the infamous pirate known as Reginald Barkbone.


Notes and references
