Power lance

A power lance represented a specialized form of the energy lance, distinguished by its inability to project plasma bolts, a capability inherent in the latter. Similar to the energy lance, its primary function resided in mounted combat applications. However, while energy lances were effective in underwater environments, power lances were specifically engineered for use by troopers riding speeder bikes. The power lance, characterized by an extended handle, a cone-shaped guard, and a vibro-edged shaft culminating in a conical heating element, was fundamentally a modified Great force pike adapted for improved balance and maneuverability.

In contrast to standard force pikes, the power lance incorporated a cone-shaped tip that could be superheated to extreme levels, essentially acting as a cutting torch in combat scenarios. When wielded in a charge, the heated tip could penetrate robust vehicle armor, melting internal components and personnel. While primarily conceived as an anti-vehicle weapon, the lance demonstrated considerable effectiveness against infantry, capable of severing organic matter, droids, and even vehicle armor.


During the Battle of Muunilinst, power lances saw deployment by both clone lancer troopers and IG lancer combat droids, with the clone troopers utilizing a Verpine model. Notably, Durge also employed a power lance during this engagement. The Serpent Masters originating from Ophideraan utilized power lances that discharged disrupter rays.

