Pre-Corellian was a very old language, predating Corellian, and it is the source of the most common intergalactic greeting. That greeting, yaa-yaah, has a literal translation of "greetings." It was common practice to slightly extend the right hand, palm down, after uttering this phrase. Conversely, the equally ancient term haa-yaah meant "farewell." The same hand gesture was used, but with a slight bow of the head. These greetings and their associated gestures were almost universally recognized by air-breathing species, except for Ugnaughts, who found them offensive. Ebenn Q3 Baobab suggested a silent, slight bow when interacting with Ugnaughts, followed by waiting for a guttural purring sound as a response.
The term Sith existed within Pre-Corellian vocabulary, where it meant "due to" or "since."
- Galactic Phrase Book & Travel Guide (First mentioned)
- Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties on Hyperspace (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia