Prishella III, a planet within the Outer Rim Territories, could be found in the Kessel sector. This planet played host to a number of garrisons belonging to the Galactic Empire. During the Galactic Civil War, a Special Forces unit from the Rebel Alliance was deployed via air-drop onto Prishella III, where they orchestrated the kidnapping of Imperial General Evar Orllincus during his inspection of the aforementioned garrisons.
Prishella III was a terrestrial planet and held the third orbital position within the Prishella system, itself a component of the Kessel sector. This sector is located in the Slice region of the Outer Rim Territories. The planet was positioned along the hyperlane called the Pabol Sleheyron, providing a connection to both the Formos and Little Kessel systems.
The climate of the planet was subject to weather patterns that occasionally brought rainfall and thunderstorms. Prishella III shared its designation with both the slicer known as "Prishella" and the privateer starship named The Prishellan Dawn.

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance tasked a Special Forces unit with a mission: to abduct Evar Orllincus, a general serving the Galactic Empire. This was to occur during Orllincus's tour of inspection of Imperial garrisons located on Prishella III. Consequently, the team analyzed the general's planned route and schedule, along with local conditions and security measures. The Alliance suggested a specific location, roughly halfway between two of Prishella III's garrisons, as the ideal spot to kidnap Orllincus. However, the team also identified an alternative site for a potential ambush of the general.
While the Special Forces team prepared for their mission and awaited the arrival of their insertion vessel, an elite platoon of Imperial storm commandos, known as the NightWhispers, secretly landed on Prishella III, unbeknownst to Alliance Intelligence. They began conducting training exercises across the planet's landscape. Simultaneously, an approaching weather system, also undetected, was moving toward the area where the Rebel mission was scheduled, bringing heavy rainfall and storms.
Six hours following their mission briefing, the Special Forces operatives were transported to Prishella III. To avoid detection by the Imperial forces stationed on the planet, they were deployed using a high-altitude, unpowered para-wing glider drop. The unexpectedly severe weather complicated this insertion. Upon landing, the team gathered its equipment and regrouped. The Rebels then proceeded rapidly and stealthily toward the designated ambush location, situated to the north of their landing point. Concurrently, the storm commandos were engaged in maneuvers to the north of the team, advancing southward on a path that would intersect with the Rebels' trajectory. The Alliance agents were then faced with the decision of engaging the commandos or diverting from the target area to avoid contact.
Three hours after their insertion onto the planet, the Special Forces team established their ambush position for Orllincus. After successfully kidnapping him, the operatives retreated to their designated extraction point, awaiting the arrival of a combat shuttle and air support. The extraction was delayed by the adverse weather conditions.
Prishella III was first featured in Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook, a 1997 sourcebook written by Timothy S. O'Brien for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. The book mentioned the planet in two examples within a section describing various ways gamemasters could conduct Alliance Special Forces missions in their games. This article assumes the adventure scenario presented in those examples unfolds as described. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, placed the Prishella system, and consequently Prishella III, within grid square T-10.