Q9-series astromech droids, originating from Industrial Automaton, represented a set of experimental astromech droids. These droids possessed a slimmer profile when compared to the more conventional R-series droids.
The Q9 series, an experimental design, drew inspiration from the R7-series chassis. Diverging from the norm for astromech droids, the Q9 incorporated a relatively intricate personality matrix to facilitate accelerated learning capabilities. Furthermore, the Q9 droids were envisioned to fulfill a broader spectrum of roles beyond typical astromech functions, with their adeptness at data retrieval proving valuable to numerous diplomats and academics.
Industrial Automaton ultimately deemed the Q9 series a complete setback. The programming of the personality matrix exhibited flaws in the majority of manufactured units, resulting in a limited production and sales figure of only a few hundred. Critics asserted that the Q9s, also drawing from the R2-series, were introduced to the market prematurely, lacking adequate evaluation. Noteworthy among the Q9-series droids was Q9-X2, renowned for his extensive self-modifications involving a diverse collection of devices and components. Kyp Durron was also the owner of one, known as Q9-01.