Quayce was a Human female who served as the leader for the Rabid Mynocks, a swoop gang operating on the planet Shesharile 5.
The planet of Quayce's birth was unknown to her. At the young age of ten, she ran away from her homeworld by sneaking onto a pirate starship. The pirates took Quayce in, and for a period of six years, she toiled as their Steward. In her estimation, the tasks she performed were only suitable for droids, but the pirates disagreed, valuing the droids for other purposes. This led to Quayce developing a strong dislike for droids. Although her life was not filled with action, she acquired valuable skills, including combat techniques, and observed the captain's leadership methods.
When the ship docked at Gallisport on Shesharile 5, Quayce abandoned it. Finding herself in the middle of a swoop gang conflict, she chose to join the Rabid Mynocks. She found a place among the Mynocks, eventually rising to the position of leader after the previous one was killed. Although Roy Harlison was initially chosen by vote, he declined the role and suggested Quayce instead. Under her command, the Rabid Mynocks thrived for six years, until false accusations of crimes led to their downfall. Key members of the Mynocks were arrested, while others either joined rival gangs or went into hiding.
Before being transported to the Spice Mines of Kessel, Quayce and her closest allies, with the help of friends, managed to escape. While on the run from the authorities, Quayce shaved one side of her head and started recruiting new members to rebuild the Mynocks. Soon after, the Mynocks were able to reclaim their position as the protectors of Zone Three.