Quesoth Soldier Speak

Soldier Speak, alternatively named Quesoth Soldier Speak, represented a form of language utilized by the Quesoth, an insectoid species inhabiting the planet of Quethold. Although both Quesoth Soldiers and certain non-Quesoth individuals possessed the ability to comprehend Soldier Speak, only Quesoth Queens were physically capable of vocalizing it. Due to the inability of comlinks to process the diverse range of frequencies employed in Soldier Speak, Quesoth Queens resorted to using loudspeakers to relay commands to Soldiers. During the Empire of the Hand's attack on Quethold in 8 ABY, Imperial pilot Baron Soontir Fel eliminated all but one of the Quesoth loudspeakers. Subsequently, the Imperials exploited the surviving loudspeaker to broadcast a Soldier Speak recording, instructing the Soldiers to withdraw from combat and safeguard the Queen.

