R1 may denote any of the items listed below:
- Red One, a pilot for the Resistance, who is also called "R1"
- R1 security droid
- R1-series astromech droid
- R1-G4
- R1-J5
- R1-T4
- R1-D1
- R1-J1
Ysanne Isard, the Director of Imperial Intelligence, used this term to describe individuals who were "resistant in primary phase" during her brainwashing attempts and therefore could not be converted. Among them were Rogue Squadron pilots Corran Horn and Tycho Celchu.
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a movie released in 2016
This disambiguation page serves as a guide, providing a list of different pages with potentially identical titles. If you arrived here through a link within an article, consider correcting the link to directly lead to the appropriate page.