
R2-B00, an R2-series astromech droid, functioned as a space pirate and had a presence on the world of Takodana. This particular droid was coated in a phosphorescent paint and was equipped with a Burtt acoustic signaller.

Behind the scenes

This droid, designed around a Halloween motif, was a toy that was exclusively sold at Disney Parks during 2016.


  • Star Wars: Droid Factory toy line (Pack: R2-BOO) (backup link) (First mentioned)
  • Disney Parks' Halloween-Themed Droids Are Frighteningly Fun on StarWars.com (backup link)

Notes and references

  • EndorExpress.net (@EndorExpress) on Facebook (post) (May 27, 2022): "There’s a lot of Droid Factory coming soon for all seasons. The Jawa Sandcrawler advent calendar will complete 5 droids." (backup link)
