
R7-T1 was an R7-series astromech droid, manufactured by Industrial Automaton sometime following the Battle of Endor.

Nicknamed Artee, R7-T1 functioned as Luke Skywalker's astromech droid during flight operations when the Jedi Master briefly used an E-wing escort starfighter on loan from the New Republic Defense Force during the period of the Black Fleet Crisis. Ultimately, Skywalker did not grow accustomed to either the novel starfighter design or the more recent droid model. He then chose to return to his familiar T-65 X-wing starfighter and his long-time companion and reliable astromech droid, R2-D2.

Behind the scenes

Hasbro initially conceived the visual depiction of R7-T1 via their "Droid Factory" initiative. This promotion involved distributing individual droid components within the packaging of various action figures in 2008. The action figures containing the individual parts were Saesee Tiin (right leg component), Padmé Amidala (left leg component), Mon Calamari Warrior (main body component), and Quarren Soldier (head and middle leg component).

