
The original inhabitants of the world Radnor were the Radnorans. Despite their relatively small height and robust build, this humanoid race was quite formidable.

The Radnorans were forced to abandon their home planet in 27 BBY due to a mishap at one of their weapons research facilities, which caused the release of dangerous poisons into the atmosphere. These toxins rapidly caused the deaths of the majority of the population within the city-state of Aubendo. To assist with the evacuation and to help manage the ensuing panic, looting, and widespread disorder, the Jedi were dispatched: the Radnorans were frantically trying to get away from the catastrophe (even the Radnoran security personnel panicked and promptly commandeered the cruiser that the Jedi had just arrived on). Once the toxins dissipated and a threat from their planet's adjacent neighbor, Avon, was prevented, the Radnorans were left to reconstruct their society and grieve for those who had perished.

