During the initial years of the Galactic Civil War, the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium launched raids against several Imperial outpost worlds situated on the fringes of settled space. They subjugated the Human colonists via a process called "entechment," which was part of an agreement with Emperor Palpatine, who desired the aliens' advanced technology. B'Knos was one such colony world, and it was attacked by the Ssi-ruuk in 0 ABY.
Emperor Palpatine established contact with the Ssi-ruuk, alien invaders, and negotiated a deal: In return for their battle droid technology, the Ssi-ruuk were permitted to assault smaller colonies located on the edge of colonized space. The B'Knos mining colony, situated in the Abran asteroid belt, was among the colonies targeted.
To conceal the Ssi-ruuk's involvement, the Empire disseminated a fabricated story through the Imperial Navy at 35:8:16. This cover-up was broadcast via Imperial HoloVision and Galaxywide NewsNets. The official account stated that the supply ship Ambitious had crashed into the mining colony due to interference from the local star and the mineral composition of the asteroids. Vin Freen, the Ambitious' captain, was posthumously honored for his supposed bravery in attempting to avert the disaster by destroying his own vessel.
Despite the cover-up, rumors regarding this and similar incidents circulated, with spacers whispering about them in the galaxy's various cantinas.