A rail detonator, sometimes called a rail detonator gun, functioned as a rifle but employed strong electromagnets to propel either rail charges or canisters filled with explosives at extremely high velocities towards a designated target.
The rail detonator gun proved highly effective for Imperial jumptroopers, particularly during aerial engagements. The projectiles could be programmed to detonate upon contact or to adhere to the target area for a short duration before exploding. A modified variant was also developed, incorporating heat-seeking capabilities.
Records indicate that the detonator saw limited deployment during the Clone Wars. By the era of the Galactic Civil War, its usage had diminished significantly, with specialized stormtrooper squads, notably Imperial jumptroopers, being its primary users. It subsequently gained popularity among stormtroopers within the Imperial Remnant, who employed it effectively against both Kyle Katarn and Mara Jade.
Personnel within Kota's Militia, including soldiers and saboteurs, also utilized the rail detonator gun.
Evidently, the texture utilized for the in-game model featured in Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II lacked an aperture at the terminal end of the firing mechanism, seemingly precluding missile launch. However, a detailed examination of the texture reveals a minute orifice for the detonator, albeit significantly smaller than the projectile itself.