This specific ship design, a Rakatan ship, was utilized by the [Infinite Empire](link url) of the [Rakatan](link url).

Following the [Kwa](link url)'s advancement of the [Rakata](link url) civilization on [Lehon](link url), these ships came into being. The Rakata were instructed in the capabilities of [the Force](link url) and provided with sophisticated technology. Equipped with these assets, the Rakata launched an aggressive campaign of expansion, subjugating, enslaving, and obliterating planets utilizing fleets composed of these very starships.
One such ship of this particular class was the [Devourer](link url). It suffered a crash landing on the world [Tython](link url), resulting in the death of all but a single member of its crew. While on the planet, the [Je'daii](link url) experienced a [Force vision](link url) depicting a squadron of these ships in the vicinity of the [Star Forge](link url).