
Rakrir, also occasionally referred to as Ballikite, served as the original planet for the Rakririan species. This homeworld was inhabited by a race known for their fastidiousness and precision; most Rakririans preferred to remain on Rakrir, as they considered the galaxy at large to be lacking in refinement.

Despite the species' tendency to stay on Rakrir, Mogoyu and Sabodor were two Rakririans who ventured off-world. Mogoyu achieved second place in the decaped-plus division of the Mobquet Presents: Fastest Land Beings competition, while Sabodor established a specialized petstore located on Etti IV.

Behind the scenes

The Rakririan species' origin on Rakrir is consistently mentioned across various sources. However, the book Alien Encounters deviates from this, identifying Ballikite as their original homeworld.

