Rebel Escape offers a quick adventure for the Star Wars Role Playing Game from West End Games. Tony Russo penned it; it appeared as the A Taste of Adventure piece inside Star Wars Adventure Journal 7. Intended as an easily approached adventure for new players, it includes appearances from Boba Fett and Zardra.
The adventure begins in a cantina located on an unknown world, where Boba Fett abruptly arrives and shoots a customer. When approached by an irate cantina owner, Fett declares he's seeking a Human woman, promising a reward to anyone who can lead him to her, before departing. The player characters observe a crying Human woman concealed in the cantina's shadows, who then vanishes. The player characters choose to find her, leaving the cantina to search the streets. There, they encounter a group of thugs who, also seeking the bounty on her, have located and surrounded her. After his gang is defeated, the gang's leader aims a blaster at the player characters, but is stopped by another bounty hunter – specifically, Zardra. Using this opportunity, the player characters and the Human woman flee and hide in an alley. Here, they discover the woman works as a courier for the Rebel Alliance. Fett soon finds them and offers a large amount of credits. Choosing to aid Mari, the player characters secretly leave, taking Mari to their own ship. After defeating an alien bounty hunter awaiting them in the docking bay, the characters and Mari leave the planet, just as Fett and Zardra enter the docking bay.
It's worth noting that, when Fett locates the characters and Mari in the alley, the characters can choose to give her to Fett (who will then actually attack them) or attempt to deceive Fett by taking the payment and saving Mari regardless. However, the article suggests that new players simply vanish into the darkness and rescue Mari using that method.