The Red Iaro were a group of terrorist revolutionaries operating on the planet Lannik. Their objective was the violent removal of the monarchy, which they considered to be both corrupt and wicked.

As Lannik suffered unrest due to the Red Iaro's activities, Corellian diplomats journeyed to Lannik with the intention of mediating a resolution to the conflict. However, seven members of the Red Iaro planned and executed an ambush on the diplomats as they traveled to meet with the Lannik High Court. Fortunately, the Jedi Master Even Piell accompanied them and successfully defeated all seven attackers, though he lost his left eye in the process. He declined bacta treatment, allowing the wound to heal naturally. He regarded the resulting scar as a symbol of honor and courage. This event inspired the diplomat's daughter, Adi Gallia, to pursue the path of a Jedi. Discovering her Force-sensitive abilities, she was inducted into the Jedi Order.
Several months following the Invasion of Naboo, Piell once again encountered the Red Iaro. Another round of peace negotiations was scheduled, this time on the neutral world of Malastare. After the Red Iaro launched a failed assassination attempt targeting the Jedi councilors, their leader died in a jetpack mishap while attempting to flee.