The humble, unclean eatery called the Red Shadow existed on the world of Taboon. It was at this location, some months before the Battle of Yavin, that a fierce exchange of blaster fire erupted. This gunfight involved the bounty hunters Zardra and Jodo Kast, as well as the smuggler siblings known as the Thig Brothers. During this time, a Hutt named Mageye happened to be passing through the area, en route to a negotiation with another Hutt, BolBol. Mageye's bodyguards erred when they brought him too near the conflict between the bounty hunters and smugglers; the Hutt tumbled from his carried platform and landed directly on Zardra. To free herself from the immense pressure, Zardra had no choice but to force a gauge six thermal detonator into Mageye's mouth, which resulted in his demise.