Redcap, a world in the Outer Rim Territories, was a planet found not far from Socorro, Tatooine, and [Issor].(/article/issor) This world was a desolate, wet place, characterized by fluid mud lakes, mud plains, canyons, and mountains; a small mining colony existed there. The impoverished Human descendants of the original mining colonists inhabited the planet, residing in settlements located at the base of the mountain ranges. Due to the thick mud on Redcap, starships would become submerged, so Tyma Canyon, which stretched for hundreds of kilometers across the planet, served as the landing site. The primary mode of transportation involved olai, pack animals that were initially brought from a neighboring moon.
A short story that was never published by Patricia A. Jackson featured a conflict on Redcap between the New Republic and the Protectorate, a splinter group of the Imperial Remnant led by Adalric Cessius Brandl.