
A Wookiee male named Reerookachuck was born on Kashyyyk, a planet. However, before he developed the ability to speak, he was abducted from his homeworld. Human slaves raised him, resulting in his unfamiliarity with Wookiee traditions. Only at the age of seventy did he encounter fellow Wookiees. Consequently, Reerochuck employed his claws in battle, a practice deemed dishonorable by other members of his species. Eventually, slavers affiliated with the Sord Montok corporation captured him. Reerookachuck resolved to break free after being transported to Kessel aboard the company's vessel, the Sord Montok. He instigated a rebellion on the ship, resulting in the deaths of twenty slavers. Following this event, the CEO of Sord Montok offered a bounty of sixty-five thousand credit for Reerookachuck's apprehension.


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