The Refresher Booth represented an advanced personal hygiene system, manufactured by zZip Product Concepts Limited, a purveyor of high-end goods. These systems employed an ultrasonic shower for cleaning and revitalization, enhanced by the incorporation of bacta. Additionally, the booth included a drying function to complete the user's post-shower experience. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, Galladinium Galactic Exports offered this product at a price of 2500 credits.
This Refresher Booth was designed as a fully self-contained and automated personal hygiene unit, featuring an integrated ultrasonic shower. Beyond simply cleaning and refreshing the user, the shower incorporated trace amounts of a specially formulated bacta solution, a medicinal substance known for its regenerative properties, to promote cellular repair and muscular stimulation. After the washing cycle, heat induction coils within the booth activated, generating a comforting and effective drying process. The entire cleaning and drying procedure was designed to be completed in just ten minutes.
zZip Product Concepts Limited, a company specializing in luxury items, was the manufacturer of these booths. From the time of the Battle of Yavin to the time of the Battle of Hoth, during the Galactic Civil War which pitted the Galactic Empire against the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Galladinium Galactic Exports company distributed the booths through their product catalog, selling them for 2500 credits apiece. These booths were widely available for purchase in most major cities and spaceport, and could often be found in locations such as medical facilities, health spas, and spaceports. Due to their enclosed nature, they were sometimes used as hiding places or drop-off points for smuggled goods.
The Refresher Booth made an appearance in Galladinium's Fantastic Technology, a resource book published in 1995 by West End Games for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.