Republic military uniforms

Officers in the Galactic Republic military were issued a variety of typical uniforms during the Republic's extensive and well-documented existence. As the Republic transformed and became the Galactic Empire, the uniforms worn by Republic officers were modified and became the Imperial officer's uniform.


Admiral Coburn

The Republic Naval officers serving during the Clone Wars wore a specifically designed uniform. This uniform's design was slightly modified and remained in use during the following era of the Imperial Military.

  • A gray-green, double-breasted tunic and matching trousers were worn as a dress uniform.
  • A matching hat featuring the officer's disc was included.
  • A black leather belt with a silver buckle, with the buckle displaying the officer's disc, was worn.
  • Black leather boots were standard issue.
  • Black leather gloves could be worn at the officer's discretion (optional).
  • A rank badge was displayed on the left breast.

