
The repulse-hand represented a specific instantiation of the repulsor fist, which was a weaponized prosthetic limb manufactured by Control Zone Ltd.. Differing from the standard prosthetic design, the repulse-hand eschewed the application of synthskin, typically employed to give prosthetics a realistic appearance. Furthermore, it lacked a sensory interface, meaning the user could not experience tactile feedback through the device. The users of this crude weapon were clearly unconcerned with its aesthetic presentation.

Miniaturized repulsor generators were integrated within the tempor-alloy construction of the hand. This design transformed the hand into a fearsome close-quarters combat instrument, capable of deflecting weapon strikes without incurring damage. The absence of a sensory interface would prove advantageous to the user if the repulse-hand sustained an impact from an opposing weapon. However, physical contact with the activated hand would be even more devastating for the recipient, as the numerous repulsor generators would inflict severe lacerations and potentially fracture bones.

A notable user of the repulse-hand was the pirate known as Abav Ghart.

