Reskell Twane held the position of Lord Overseer overseeing the Spice Mines located on Kessel; he was the one who held this role before Trioculus. Before his time as Lord Overseer, he worked for Jabba the Hutt. During the time that Twane was in charge, Niobi, along with her baby Trioculus, were forced to live on Kessel and were oppressed by Twane's leadership. After Niobi passed away, Twane felt bad for Trioculus and decided to mentor the three-eyed individual, even paying for his education.
After Dewt Kluskine died, Twane was moved to Kluskine's old job as warden, and Trioculus took over as Lord Overseer. After Jabba the Hutt died, the prisoners under Twane's control started an uprising, and Twane was captured by Moruth Doole, who was a Rybet administrator. Doole later tried to give Twane to Trioculus in return for taking control of the part of Kessel that used to be run by the Supreme Slavelord. Trioculus turned down the offer, so Doole gave Twane spice grubs to eat and then froze him in carbonite while he was screaming in pain.