Resonators, conceived by Imperial engineer Umak Leth, functioned as instruments of oppression against the Marasan population.
Leth realized that because all Marasans possessed advanced computers integrated directly into their brains as cyborg augmentations, high-intensity resonance waves capable of disrupting computer systems would have a direct impact on the Marasans themselves. By crafting resonators that induced feedback loops within a Marasan's mind, Leth engineered weaponry capable of inflicting both disorientation and agony.
Early iterations were portable units designed for use against individual Marasans, but larger, more potent resonators possessed the capacity to torture and disable an entire planet of Marasans. The looming possibility of such widespread retribution enabled the Empire to seize control of the Marasan home planet of Marasai, along with the Marasan settlements located within the Marasa Nebula.