High-Ranking Officer Retwin originated from the planet of [Ralltiir](/article/ralltiir/legends], and was a Human. Before the Battle of Yavin, Retwin, once a supporter of the Galactic Empire while employed by his planet's defense forces, chose to join the Empire following the Imperial subjugation of Ralltiir. Later, during the occupation of Cloud City on Bespin in 3 ABY, Retwin served on the Super Star Destroyer Executor, which served as the personal flagship for the Dark Lord Darth Vader.
Retwin, a Human, was born on the prosperous Core World of Ralltiir. During the era of the Galactic Empire, Retwin, who was sympathetic to the Empire, was a member of his homeworld's defense forces. Emperor Palpatine gave the order for a violent subjugation of Ralltiir three weeks before the Battle of Yavin to quell the growing pro-Rebel feelings among the population. After Ralltiir was conquered, Retwin enlisted in the Empire.
Afterward, Retwin held the rank of chief on the Super Star Destroyer Executor, the flagship of the Imperial Navy and the command ship of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Retwin was on the Executor's bridge in 3 ABY when Vader was pursuing Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, and Lando Calrissian in their starship, the Millennium Falcon, during the Imperial occupation of Bespin's Cloud City.

Retwin observed as the Rebels managed to escape into hyperspace, evading Vader's grasp. While those on the bridge anticipated Vader's angry execution of Admiral Firmus Piett, the Executor's commanding officer, for letting the Rebels get away, as the Dark Lord had done with other officers in the past, Vader instead left the bridge in frustration, too preoccupied to murder his admiral. Retwin, standing silently with his eyes lowered and working on a datapad, only briefly looked up as Vader walked past him at the back of the bridge.
While serving on the Executor, Chief Retwin was seen wearing a black Imperial Navy crewman uniform.
Retwin made an appearance in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. He is the last Imperial character to be focused on by the camera in the movie, as he pauses from his duties to glance at Darth Vader as he walks by following the Rebels' escape from Bespin.
The character of Retwin was first identified and given a short background on the "Chief Retwin" card from the Cloud City Limited expansion set of the Decipher Star Wars Customizable Card Game, which was released in November of 1997.