Star Wars Epic Adventures: Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars Epic Adventures: Revenge of the Sith is a storybook with illustrations that presents a modified version of the movie bearing the same title. Penned by Brooke Vitale and featuring artwork from Brian Rood, the storybook recounts the happenings of the Revenge of the Sith movie, narrated by C-3PO. Sandvik Publishing had plans to publish the book as part of their Star Wars Epic Adventures series of books. The book was intended to be the main component of a box set exclusively available through subscription, which also included Revenge of the Sith-related items, but the subscription program was discontinued. Although the book was finalized and prepared for distribution, it was ultimately never made available to the public.

Publisher's summary

Discover the narrative of the Jedi Order's downfall alongside the emergence of the Galactic Empire. This collection details how the dark side seduces the prophesied individual, leading him to transform into Darth Vader.

