Revenge of the Sith represented the tenth and concluding expansion set for the Star Wars Trading Card Game, a product of Wizards of the Coast, drawing its inspiration from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The chosen symbol for this expansion was that of Darth Vader.
This set includes a total of 110 cards, broken down into 40 rare cards, 30 uncommon cards, and 40 common cards. A notable addition in Revenge of the Sith was the introduction of a new card category: Equipment cards. These cards could be attached to Character, Ground, or Space units, enhancing their capabilities or strength. Each Equipment card required a build cost and an equip cost, payable using Build Points or Force Points.
The release of this expansion took place on April 2, 2005, with sales occurring through booster packs containing either 11 cards (7 common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare) or a smaller set of 5 cards.
- SWTCG Revenge of the Sith Database provided by CCGTrader on (archived from its original location on January 28, 2022)
- "Revenge of the Sith" found on (note that the content is now outdated; a backup link is provided)
- Wizards' announcement of new Star Wars TCG and Miniatures, originally on (this content is also outdated; a backup link is available)