"Ringers," a concise narrative penned by Laurie Burns, initially saw publication within the pages of Star Wars Adventure Journal 6, courtesy of West End Games, during the month of May in the year 1995. Subsequently, it was preserved digitally at Hyperspace.
The narrative unfolds on Stassia, where Imperial investigator Zeck Tambell receives the task of probing into the affairs of a youthful individual, Reye Sedaya, whose extraordinary fortune in "ringers" tournament wagering raises suspicion. He and his associate, Valon Rizz, encounter difficulties stemming from the criminal overlord Madame Aalia Duu-lang, who appears to be collaborating with Sedaya. Zeck discovers that Aalia extended an employment offer to Sedaya, yet remained unable to decipher Sedaya's activities. Ostensibly, it appears to be merely exceptional good fortune. Zeck deduces that it might transcend mere luck, suggesting Sedaya's potential Force-sensitivity. Regardless, Aalia is exploiting him to infiltrate the realm of fraudulent enterprise. Following a race that exposes her illicit actions, they ultimately apprehend Aalia after a four-year pursuit, but Sedaya manages to elude capture.