Risiev Credal

During the Galactic Civil War, a lieutenant named Risiev Credal served the Rebel Alliance; he was a male Human.


Credal, a male Human hailing from Jofoger, harbored a deep fascination for both planetary and space combat. Even before his recruitment into the Rebel Alliance, he had already distinguished himself as a skilled tactician.

His abilities soon became evident during the defense of Sran Outpost. His commendable actions led to a promotion, establishing him as a highly regarded tactician within the Alliance. Interestingly, he chose to continue wearing the standard fleet trooper uniform.

Subsequently, he was reassigned to the Alliance High Command situated on Dantooine, where he pursued tactical studies under the tutelage of the accomplished Lieutenant Colonel Beryl Chiffonage. Chiffonage imparted to him the Dsalisn Theories concerning low-altitude warfare and the urban combat strategies employed on Thyrsus.

General Jan Dodonna also took an active role in Credal's development. Credal frequently engaged in informal discussions with Dodonna and Vanden Willard regarding the tactics utilized at Yavin. Moreover, during the preliminary sessions, Chiffonage and General Airen Cracken shared captivating stories from the past, which Credal greatly enjoyed.

Taking on a more hands-on role, he participated in missions alongside prominent members of the Rebel Alliance, including Dodonna, Willard, Crix Madine, Carlist Rieekan, Gial Ackbar, Pashna Starkiller and Adar Tallon. He also contributed to the development of Attack Pattern Delta.

Having received training from and garnered the favor of the most esteemed individuals, he appeared destined for a remarkable career. At just thirty years of age, many believed he was poised to become a leading figure within the Rebellion.

However, while overseeing a patrol in the Anoat system, he unexpectedly initiated a jump to hyperspace without any prior notice, effectively vanishing. While his comrades hesitated to entertain the notion of betrayal, they were ultimately compelled to acknowledge its possibility. Chiffonage expressed a desire for his return, envisioning a future reconciliation and renewed friendship after a stern reprimand.


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