The Rite of Fira constituted the initiation ceremony for individuals joining the Order of Shasa, the Force-sensitive group of the Selkath people on Manaan.
Those students considered prepared for full membership within the Order underwent a unique mission. This mission served as a culminating assessment of their skills. It also served to remind them of the Order's original purpose, while equipping them with a tool for self-protection. Specifically, the Rite of Fira involved the initiate swimming down to the wreckage of the kolto harvester that Revan had destroyed within the Hrakert Rift back in 3956 BBY. The initiate was then tasked with extracting a fragment of cortosis from the ruined vessel's outer shell. Subsequently, the initiate would utilize the thermal energy emanating from the volcanic vents situated on the seabed to forge the cortosis into a fira – a uniquely shaped sword, resistant to lightsaber attacks. These fira were used by Order members to protect themselves from potential dangers.