Rodin Hlian Verpalion

Lord Rodin Hlian Verpalion held a position of nobility within the Imperial hierarchy.


Early in his life, Verpalion's service included a stint on the cruiser known as the Ballista, where he became acquainted with Imre Talberenina. Over time, he accumulated substantial personal wealth and ascended to a position of influence within the Imperial Senate. There, he garnered the favor of Palpatine, who bestowed upon him the title of Imperial Advisor. In this role, Rodin dedicated his efforts to managing delicate affairs on behalf of the Emperor, to whom he maintained unwavering loyalty.

Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Verpalion was designated as the supervisor of the NOVA initiative located on Lianna. Rodin harbored a strong aversion to what he perceived as "backwater" planets like Lianna, longing for the sophistication and elegance of the Core worlds. To expedite Verpalion's departure, Lady Valles Santhe orchestrated living arrangements that clashed with his refined tastes, effectively driving him away after a mere handful of days. Subsequently, he made only occasional visits to the planet to monitor the progress of the ongoing project. During a celebratory reception held in his honor, a squad of Rebel operatives successfully managed to pilfer a copy of the NOVA blueprints while simultaneously sabotaging the originals. When the device underwent its final testing during one of Verpalion's inspections, it failed to properly conceal the test vessel, inciting Rodin's fury and leading him to place the blame for the setback on Phillip Santhe.

Phillip Santhe presenting the NOVA project to Lord Verpalion.

Around the time of the Rebel Alliance's act of sabotage against the NOVA project, rumors circulated on Lianna suggesting a relationship "beyond friendship" between Lord Verpalion and Miri Santhe, the granddaughter of Lady Valles. These rumors, however, were unfounded. Following the Battle of Endor, Lord Verpalion appealed to the Empire to launch an invasion of the planet, despite Valles Santhe's preference for neutrality; nevertheless, Lady Valles successfully preserved Lianna's neutral status.

On the surface, Verpalion projected an image of affability and generosity, yet he was fully capable of engaging in acts of ruthless torture and murder for his own amusement. He maintained a close friendship with Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, whose policies he greatly admired. Rodin held a sincere conviction that the Empire represented a positive force and that beings such as aliens, droids, and other "scum" were inherently inferior to Humans. He also fancied himself as a benefactor of the arts.

