The Rorian Gungans, also recognized as the Rorgungans, were a radical offshoot of the Gungan species. They operated on the planet Rori in the time leading up to and during the Galactic Civil War.

The Rorgungans originated as a faction of Gungans hailing from Naboo. They were in opposition to Boss Rugor Nass's endorsement of the human inhabitants of Naboo during the Invasion of Naboo which occurred in 32 BBY. Holding a violent aversion to any partnership between Gungans and humans, they relocated to Naboo's moon, Rori, seeking isolation from the rest of the galaxy. Displaying extreme xenophobia, they were prone to attempting to eliminate any outsiders who ventured near them. They established a settlement known as the Gungan Swamp Town located deep within the swamps of Rori.
As the Galactic Civil War unfolded, the Rorgungans engaged in resistance against the Galactic Empire that exerted control over the Naboo system. Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, Captain Hassk, the Rorgungan commander, planned to enlist Gungans from Naboo to bolster the Rorian Gungans in their struggle. His base of operations was the Gungan Swamp Town, where he was assisted by Lieutenants Ori and Heb Nee. Simultaneously, the Rorgungans were actively engaged in conflict with the Rori Spice Mining Collective. Another Rorgungan of note was Captain Pir'pwn.