
Rusha, a highly respected elderly woman from Eckless, held a position of significant influence. She was widely regarded as the frontrunner in the upcoming election for President of the governing body known as the Council of Eckless.

Following the arrival and subsequent domination of the planet by Hahz Fallone, she took charge of the rebellion, successfully expelling him. Furthermore, she spearheaded the initiative to construct a starship with the intention of chasing him down and ensuring he faced consequences for his actions.

Upon locating him on Chazwa, she announced a bounty of 5000 credits for the retrieval of a prized object known as the Black Sphere. Additionally, she pledged an equal reward for Fallone's capture, with the aim of bringing him back to Eckless to be held accountable for his crimes.

Tragically, before she could exact her vengeance on Fallone, she met her demise at the hands of a crime lord named Jorga Sune.

