Rydar II

The original homeworld of the Ranat species was Rydar II. In 200 BBY, the Human Governor residing there ordered the extermination of the Ranats. Only a trio of Ranats managed to escape this genocide, eventually finding refuge on nearby Aralia.

Ranat UAA A Ranat.


Rydar II's location was in the Outer Rim within the Antemeridian sector, adjacent to the Mid Rim and intersected by the Perlemian Trade Route.

During the period of the Jedi Civil War, Rydar II was under the control of Revan, and during the Ruusan campaign the planet returned to the Sith Empire. During the Clone Wars the planet was part of the CIS territory.

The Ranat species originated and evolved on the world of Rydar II. The Rydans, a humanoid race, failed to comprehend the Ranats and attempted to eliminate them. The Ranats frequently launched attacks on the Rydans children who were tired of them. A pair of Ranats, male and female, managed to escape approximately a few years prior to the Battle of Yavin, using a ship to reach Aralia, where a completely new colony would quickly emerge. The three Ranat survivors chose the jungles of Aralia, close to the coast, as the location for their new settlement.

Following the Empire's defeat, Targan held the position of Governor and represented Rydar II.

