Sab Rufo

Here's the reworded MDX content, aiming for significant changes in sentence structure and wording while preserving the original meaning:

**Sab Rufo**, a celestial body located in the [Inner Rim](/article/inner_rim/legends), was the location of the [Academy at Sab Rufo](/article/academy_at_sab_rufo). During the [Galactic Empire's](/article/galactic_empire/legends) [reign](/article/imperial_era/legends), [Major](/article/major/legends) [Herrit](/article/herrit) from [Imperial Intelligence](/article/imperial_intelligence/legends) dispatched a [communique](/article/imperial_communique_46553.27h) to [Darth Vader](/article/anakin_skywalker/legends), the [Dark Lord of the Sith](/article/dark_lord_of_the_sith/legends). In this message, Herrit mistakenly asserted the non-existence of both the academy and Sab Rufo itself. [Captain](/article/captain/legends) [Solistein](/article/solistein), Vader's [aide](/article/aide/legends), responded by stating that the [Sith Lord](/article/sith_lord/legends) had personally visited Sab Rufo.

## Description

This astronomical object, Sab Rufo, resided within the [Sab Rufo system](/article/sab_rufo_system) situated in the [Inner Rim](/article/inner_rim-legends).

## History

    alt="According to Captain Solistein, Darth Vader (pictured) at some point visited Sab Rufo."
According to Captain Solistein, Darth Vader (pictured) at some point visited Sab Rufo.

The [Academy at Sab Rufo](/article/academy_at_sab_rufo) was located on Sab Rufo. [Obo Rin](/article/obo_rin), a [sentientologist](/article/sentientologist), claimed to be the [Director of Sentientology](/article/director_of_sentientology) there. During the [Galactic Empire's](/article/galactic_empire-legends) [reign](/article/imperial_era-legends), [Major](/article/major-legends) [Herrit](/article/herrit) of [Imperial Intelligence](/article/imperial_intelligence-legends) conducted a background investigation into Rin. The Empire had commissioned Rin to [author](/article/author-legends) a [reference work](/article/catalog_of_intelligent_life_in_the_galaxy) detailing various [sentient](/article/sentience-legends) [species](/article/species-legends) in [the galaxy](/article/the_galaxy-legends). Subsequently, the major dispatched [communique #46553.27h](/article/imperial_communique_46553.27h) to [Darth Vader](/article/anakin_skywalker-legends), [Palpatine's](/article/palpatine-legends) [apprentice](/article/sith_apprentice-legends) and [Dark Lord of the Sith](/article/dark_lord_of_the_sith-legends). In this communique, Herrit criticized Rin and incorrectly stated that neither the Academy at Sab Rufo nor Sab Rufo itself actually existed.

[Captain](/article/captain-legends) [Solistein](/article/solistein), Vader's [aide](/article/aide-legends), responded to Herrit's "unsolicited opinions" in [reply communique](/article/imperial_communique_46553.28v). He dismissed Herrit's criticisms of Rin's qualifications, pointing out that Vader had not instructed Herrit to investigate the sentientologist. Solistein further mentioned that Vader himself had been to Sab Rufo.

## Behind the scenes

    alt="Map depicting Sab Rufo that was published in Voyages SF 13."
Map depicting Sab Rufo that was published in Voyages SF 13.

Sab Rufo first appeared in _Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races_, a [1989](/article/1989) sourcebook by [Troy Denning](/article/troy_denning) for [West End Games](/article/west_end_games)' _Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game_. The [1990](/article/1990) [roleplaying game](/article/roleplaying_game) article "[Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are](/article/twinkle,_twinkle_little_star,_how_i_wonder_where_we_are)," featured in the [thirteenth issue](/article/voyages_sf_13) of _Voyages SF_ magazine, placed Sab Rufo, along with the [planet](/article/planet-legends) [Branth](/article/branth), the [Colu](/article/colu_system), [Endor](/article/endor_system-legends), [Harridan](/article/harridan_system), [New Bakstre](/article/new_bakstre_system), and [Solaest systems](/article/solaest_system), within the [Fringe Territories](/article/fringe_territories).

Because this article was published outside of [Lucas Licensing's](/article/lucas_licensing) official channels, its [canonicity](/article/canon) within the [Star Wars Legends](/article/star_wars_legends) continuity was never established. The [](/article/ [Online Companion](/article/star_wars:_the_essential_atlas_online_companion) for the [2009](/article/2009) reference book _The Essential Atlas_ has since relocated the Colu, Endor, Harridan, New Bakstre, and Solaest [systems](/article/star_system-legends) to different [sectors](/article/sector-legends). Furthermore, _The Essential Atlas_ places the Sab Rufo system, and therefore Sab Rufo, in grid square N-8 within the Inner Rim. This contradicts the description of Branth as being on the galaxy's edge. Therefore, this article assumes the _Voyages SF_ 13 placement is no longer valid for any of the systems and celestial bodies mentioned.

## Sources

- _Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races_ (Initial mention)
- "[Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are](/article/twinkle,_twinkle_little_star,_how_i_wonder_where_we_are)" — [Voyages SF 13](/article/voyages_sf_13) (Unofficial)
- _Planets of the Galaxy, Volume One_ (Mentioned in the Academy at Sab Rufo's name)
- _The Star Wars Planets Collection_ (Mentioned in the Academy at Sab Rufo's name)

## Notes and references