Sabacc (Celebration Anaheim)

A Sabacc deck was made for Celebration Anaheim in 2015, and handed out at the Cantina there. The design took inspiration from the cards featured in the animated show Star Wars Rebels, and the regulations were a shorter form of those from West End Games's Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Included were 76 cards (16 face cards and 60 pip cards), a six-sided die (to mimic the interference field), and a rule set.

The face card "The Star" in this deck carries a value of -17, consistent with its value in Star Wars Legends. However, in Bloodline, a novel by Claudia Gray, it is valued at -10. This difference might not be a mistake, given that there are precedents for such inconsistencies both within the fictional universe and in reality: within the universe, Sabacc existed in over eighty variations, while in the real-world game of blackjack, the Ace can have two separate values.

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