The Sacred ch'hala tree grove, a place of great significance to the Tarasin, was situated deep within the forests of Cularin. This special place contained many ch'hala trees, with certain trees dating back to approximately 532 BBY. These trees generated mesmerizing chromatic undulations, an effect reminiscent of the visual display created by Tarasin scales.
A stone stood in the grove's center, commemorating the era when the Tarasin transitioned to a settled, tribal existence in what they called irstats. This stone was older than the grove itself.
Each Tarasin religious leader was expected to journey to the sacred grove at least once in their lifetime. Upon their return, they would bring a ch'hala tree cutting to plant close to their irstat. The irstat-kes of each Tarasin irstat were expected to convene in this location with their counterparts on a regular basis.
Around 232 BBY, during Reidi Artom's exploration of Cularin, the grove contained roughly forty ch'hala trees; by 31 BBY, that number had increased by nearly thirty. Despite Artom's initial invitation by the Tarasin, subsequent displays of disrespect from off-worlders deeply offended them. The Tarasin then forbade any non-Tarasin from visiting the Grove without a Tarasin escort, fearing it would otherwise attract countless inquisitive individuals and scientists. Furthermore, the Tarasin decreed that no platform city could be built within 1,000 kilometers of the Grove.
While the grove's connection to the Force was not exceptionally strong compared to other life sources, Jedi from the Almas Academy occasionally visited to meditate. The grove's secluded nature offered a calming environment, and the flowing patterns exhibited by the ch'hala trees induced an almost hypnotic state.