Sacred wood

Sacred wood was a type of timber known for its combined strength and lightness. The trees yielding this wood thrived in a region of Endor's Forest Moon where the woodlands transitioned into mountainous terrain. Due to its unique characteristics, the Ewoks found it valuable for building skin gliders.

For numerous years, the Ewoks residing in Bright Tree Village gathered this wood. Each year, during the Harvest Ceremony, the Council of Elders from Bright Tree Village would select three villagers to chop down some of the wood using a specially blessed stone blade. The Ewok who successfully returned to the village carrying the wood was further honored by performing hang gliding stunts during the event.

In 3 ABY, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Teebo, and Wicket W. Warrick embarked on a quest to acquire sacred wood for Bright Tree. Upon their arrival, they discovered that simian creatures referred to as Quorks had already felled the trees. The Quorks then seized the Ewoks and insisted they construct a glider, but the Ewoks were able to break free and abscond with the sacred wood.

