Salfur's Trading Post

Salfur's Trading Post, established by Cobb Salfur, represented one of multiple New Republic outposts that operated seasonally on the Forest Moon of Endor. Its establishment occurred at some point preceding 9 ABY. Its location was a clearing in proximity to Bright Tree Village, the settlement of the Ewok tribe. This tribe was governed first by Chief Chirpa, and subsequently by Princess Kneesaa and Wicket Wystri Warrick. Similar to the elevated design of an Ewok settlement, Salfur's Trading Post was constructed above the ground level of the forest to provide defense against nocturnal predators that lived on the ground. Differing from Ewok villages, the trading post was built on constructed pillars that were ten meters high. This was because the Republic representatives who oversaw the construction intended to avoid causing offense to Ewok religious beliefs by utilizing their revered trees. A shield was activated during nighttime hours to provide additional security.

The capabilities of Salfur's Trading Post as a spaceport were somewhat limited. Despite the presence of a landing beacon, directional lights, and a station for recharging power, it lacked installations for ship maintenance or the handling of cargo. Furthermore, the post featured living spaces and storage areas adequate to accommodate a small number of traders, diplomats, educators, or medical staff during brief stays.

