
Sasha, a female Human explorer, was at one time a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Later, she severed all ties with the Rebellion, choosing to use her scouting abilities to earn a living on Onderon.


Sasha as an explorer.

Sasha's parents, early members of the Rebel Alliance, raised her with love, frequently relocating between deserted planets to evade the Galactic Empire. This nomadic upbringing ignited her passion for exploration from an early age.

Inspired by the desire to restore harmony and democracy to the galaxy, Sasha followed in her parents' footsteps and joined the Rebels as she matured. However, her idealism was shattered following a significant mission on Onderon. During this mission, she inadvertently revealed her location to Imperial forces and was abandoned by the Rebels. She survived, but was stranded on Onderon for a considerable period.

This abandonment caused Sasha to lose faith in the Rebel Alliance. Consequently, she began to utilize her skills as a scout for monetary gain. Although this proved lucrative, she longed to leave the planet where so many of her comrades had died.

Sasha put her skills as a scout to her advantage.

Oskara, a Twi'lek bounty hunter, hired Sasha to locate an individual through the wilderness. As recompense for the successful mission, Oskara brought her to Mos Shuuta on Tatooine.

While on Tatooine, Sasha continued her work as a freelance explorer and developed friendships with Oskara and Mathus, a technician who was the chief mechanic for Teemo the Hutt. She joined them in a rescue operation aimed at freeing one of Teemo's servants.

