Sayer Mon Neela was a Bureaucrat of the Galactic Republic who was a Human female; she later became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War.
Before Palpatine rose to the position of Supreme Chancellor, Neela cultivated a friendship with Polo Se'lab, a Bothan Senator. She openly spoke out against Palpatine's political agenda, and after the Galactic Empire was established, she rapidly disappeared from public view.
Ultimately, she, along with her sons and her assistant Raan Stasheff, enlisted in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Neela took on the role of a tactician, while her sons served as soldiers who ultimately perished in battle. Neela and Stasheff sought refuge at the Alliance's base located on the planet Horob, where a sensor prototype was under development. Unfortunately, the Empire located them on Horob, leading to the base's destruction and the capture of Neela and Stasheff aboard the Imperial Hazard. Neela ultimately was able to escape to the Starcrossed and return to the Alliance with a copy of the sensor, although Stasheff sustained injuries during the escape.
Subsequently, she assumed the position of tactical officer for the Alliance base stationed on Carosi XII, where she experienced a reunion with her friend Se'lab.