Scarlet Hark

Scarlet Hark, a Human agent of the female persuasion, served the Rebel Alliance during the era of the Galactic Civil War. As an agent she took on many secret missions for the Alliance. One such mission saw her partnering with Han Solo on the planet Cioran to extract intelligence from the famous navigator Essio Galassian. This information led them to Leia Organa Solo on Kiamurr, where they discovered the whereabouts of a hyperspace nullifier superweapon crafted by the ancient K'kybak. They managed to escape an Imperial fleet and made their way to Seymarti V, the location of the nullifier. While Organa and Hark initially intended to secure the weapon for the Alliance, Solo expressed reluctance, especially with Imperial forces closing in. The Alliance group confronted and eliminated Galassian, after which Solo destroyed the hyperspace nullifier, causing Seymarti V to become unstable. Hark and the others then returned to the Alliance fleet.


During 0 ABY, she was engaged in an undercover operation on Cioran, aiming to uncover secrets held by the navigator Essio Galassian. Hark's assignment faced complications when an inexperienced bounty hunter known as Hunter Maas acquired the information before her. She requested extraction, and the Rebel Alliance dispatched Han Solo to Cioran to retrieve her. By this point, Hark had already left her accommodation. Upon his arrival on Cioran, Solo was apprehended by a rival bounty hunter, Baasen Ray, but he successfully evaded capture and located Hark by noticing her consistent order from a particular restaurant. He showed up disguised in an Imperial uniform, which sparked Hark's idea to continue her mission with Solo's assistance.

Hark explained to a hesitant Solo that he needed to assist her in infiltrating a data center to obtain crucial information related to the theft of Galassian's data. Hark commented on the wrinkled state of Solo's uniform and found amusement in watching him undress while her droid companion CZ-33 ironed his clothes. After CZ-33 created false identification for them, she released him from his duties. Despite Solo's reluctance towards her plan, he eventually gave in. The pair infiltrated the data center, with Solo posing as an Imperial officer and Hark as a maintenance worker. Although they successfully bluffed their way into the data center and obtained the data, their actions triggered the alarms. They ascended to the top of the data center and were clinging to the antenna when Chewbacca arrived in the Millennium Falcon to rescue them. They jumped from the antenna and escaped. A substantial Imperial force pursued them, but they were called off due to a fabricated high-priority signal sent by Ray, allowing Hark and Solo to get away. Ray, having learned of their mission from Solo, used his deception as a reason to invite himself and his associate Sunnim aboard.

