The scout trooper armor, alternatively referred to as Imperial reconnaissance armor, represented the protective gear utilized by Scout troopers while serving within the ranks of the Galactic Empire.
Given the scout troopers' role as light scout sniper units, their armor exhibited a significantly reduced weight compared to standard stormtrooper armor. Their helmets incorporated visors adapted from macrobinocular scopes, enabling enhanced long-range vision for sniping and reconnaissance tasks. These visors also featured terrain-following tactical readouts and possessed capabilities for detecting energy emissions, night vision, and targeted magnification. The armor's torso included multiple packs, facilitating the transportation of diverse equipment. Furthermore, their power unit backpack was altered to function as a storage pack for various items. The integrated comlink systems within their helmets were enhanced to guarantee effective long-range communication. The majority of the equipment they carried was intended for survival and camping purposes, as these were frequent requirements during extended scouting expeditions. Scout troopers underwent training and were provided with the necessary resources to sustain themselves independently from other Imperial forces for considerable durations. A compact holster was integrated into the right legging, designed to accommodate special blaster pistols. During the battle there on Hoth, scout troopers donned specialized armor, akin to that worn by snowtroopers, to maintain warmth in the frigid environment.