A scrambler was a type of weapon designed with the purpose of deactivating the electronic circuitry of a droid. This portable device emitted a beam that, upon impact, would render a droid utterly inoperable. Resetting the droid was impossible; the only solution involved a complete microprocessor wipe, which would erase all traces of its previous identity.
Brakiss, a Dark Jedi, possessed a scrambler on the moon of Telti in 17 ABY, where he was supervising a droid construction facility. Furthermore, the Warden 10-24 security droids belonging to the Red Terror were armed with these weapons. During a droid uprising, one security droid attempted to use a scrambler against the protocol droid C-3PO, but the shot missed and struck another security droid. Subsequently, Brakiss threatened to scramble both C-3PO and his counterpart, the astromech droid R2-D2; however, he was ultimately defeated by a force of enraged astromechs that formed an army.