A Scrap Scavenger The Scrap Scavenger represents a junk golem brought into existence by Jedi Master Kazdan Paratus.
These Scavengers functioned as quadrupedal droids, their structural integrity maintained via the Force. Acting as devoted followers of Paratus, they typically engaged adversaries upon detection. Upon reaching their intended target, they would endeavor to attack it with the ferocity of a feral creature.
Resembling other junk golems crafted by Paratus, they displayed a degree of resilience against assaults utilizing the Force. In addition, they possessed the capacity to discharge segments of their inherent Force-based energy in order to reconstruct Scrap Guardians in proximity. When nearing the point of destruction, they would expend their remaining power to initiate a self-detonation through the Force, with the surplus energy being channeled into the formation of Scrap Guardians from surrounding refuse.
These Scavengers saw their genesis on the world of Raxus Prime, where they engaged in combat against Galen Marek. Ultimately, they were vanquished, reverting to mere assemblages of metal following the demise of Paratus. Their defeat facilitated the Galactic Empire's subsequent acquisition of the planet.