Second Great Droid Revolution

The Second Great Droid Revolution, which is alternatively named the Second Droid Revolution, represents a brief and failed droid uprising that occurred on Coruscant during the year 10 BBY. A virus, introduced into the droid systems by the cyborg Archa Sabis, triggered a rebellion among various droids, including police cruisers and EVS Construction droids, causing them to rebel against their organic superiors. After the rebellion was put down, the Galactic Empire took advantage of existing anti-droid sentiment.


  • Coruscant and the Core Worlds (First mentioned)
  • The New Essential Guide to Droids
  • "Endnotes for The New Essential Guide to Droids: PART 1 OF 3" — Continuity, Criticisms, and Captain Panaka — Daniel Wallace's Blog (content now obsolete; backup link)
