This male Human served as the progenitor of Seelah Korsin, an individual belonging to the Lost Tribe of Sith. Being a scion of the initial Tapani survivors who had suffered a crash landing on the planet of Rhelg, he and his kin demonstrated exceptional aptitude in scientific pursuits. This individual, together with his entire family unit, was employed by the Sith Lord known as Ludo Kressh in the time period preceding the Great Hyperspace War. Sometime before 5000 BBY, Seelah—who had been assigned the duty of tending to Ludo Kressh's feet—was unsuccessful in preventing an infection on one of Kressh's ankles, which originated from an injury sustained during combat. As a form of retribution, Kressh carried out the execution of the entire family, with the exception of Seelah, commencing with this man.